Behavior Management

Positive discipline techniques are employed by caregivers that include praising and calling attention to appropriate behavior.  Limits are set which are developmentally appropriate and consistently enforced. 
Disruptive behavior is handled by the following methods:
  • Redirection of a child's activities in a positive way.
  • Setting the child apart from the group ("time out").  This method allows a child a few moments to think about his or her actions - no more than 1 minute for each year of age.
  • Verbal discussions and explanations.
  • Parent involvement when needed.

Continued inappropriate behavior may result in time off from the center.  Situations that do not improve after periods of time off may result in disenrollment.  Disenrollment may result from disruptive behavior such as: biting, violent outbursts, and destructive actions toward staff, children or property.

Contact us @, 888-291-1841 or 810-733-7828 if you have any questions or concerns.